X Empire Riddle of the Day – 29th September 2024
“I speak without a mouth, I hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?”
Answer : cap
The answer to this riddle is “an echo”.
- “Speak without a mouth” refers to an echo repeating sounds without having a physical mouth.
- “Hear without ears” signifies that the echo “listens” to sound waves, though it lacks ears.
- “No body” highlights that an echo has no physical form.
- “Come alive with wind” refers to how an echo can be carried and heard over distances by the wind.
The riddle today is solved by understanding that an echo is a natural phenomenon that fits the description provided in the cryptic clues. It’s a classic riddle that plays on perception and natural acoustics.
Good luck with the rest of your X Empire journey!